I am really quick to build a module out of my scripts and functions. I like how it allows me to organize my functions and use them in other scripts. I also see that many PowerShell scripters are slow to take that step of building a module. We often learn how to build a module without really understanding why they are built that way.

In this post, we will turn a common script scenario into a full module one step at a time. We will take several microsteps to show all the subtle details of why common modules are built the way they are. Lets take the mystery out of building a module to see how simple they can be.


Starting with functions

There is a natural progression when working with PowerShell. You start with small script and work into making much larger ones. When your scripts get large, you start using more functions. These functions could be from someone else or functions that you write yourself. These functions start collecting at the top of your script.

    function Get-Info
        Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Class Win32_BIOS

    Get-Info -ComputerName localhost

You scripts are still long because all these functions are still taking up space in your script. This is the common scenario that we are going to build on. I have one function here but having several of them is common.

Dot sourcing

From here, we would move the functions out into their own .ps1 file. So if you saved that function into a file called GetInfo.ps1, then you could dot source it and call it like this.

. .\GetInfo.ps1
GetInfo -ComputerName localhost

Dot sourcing is a way to load a script into your current runspace. This function now becomes available to you or the calling script. Leaving out that period would run the script without leaving that defined function available in your script.

You can place multiple functions in that file and treat it like a library of functions. This is the basic idea of a module.


All it takes to turn your function script into a module is the use of Import-Module to import it. Here is how that works.

Import-Module .\GetInfo.ps1
GetInfo -ComputerName localhost

I like this so much more than dot sourcing. I really wish that this was the standard approach over dot sourcing for two reasons. First is that it would be easier to understand and explain to people new to PowerShell. Second, it moves the scripter down the path of making modules much sooner.


We can call Import-Module on a .ps1, but the convention is to use .psm1 as a module designation. Rename that script to GetInfo.psm1.

Import-Module .\GetInfo.psm1
GetInfo -ComputerName localhost

Now we can say we have a module.


Sometimes you may have utility functions in your module that should stay internal to the module and not be made available to other scripts. If you want to have public and internal functions, you will need to use Export-ModuleMember in the *.psm1 file to define the exported public functions.

function GetInfo{
    Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Class Win32_BIOS
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'GetInfo'

If you don’t call Export-ModuleMember to specify exactly what you want exported, then everything is exported from this .psm1 file.

I will show an alternate way to do this when we talk about the module manifest.

Folder names

Then next thing I want to do is place our module into its own folder. The convention here is that the name of the folder matches the name of the .psm1 file. Our file structure should look something like this now.

│   myscript.ps1

Then we update our myscript.ps1 file to import that folder.

Import-Module .\GetInfo
GetInfo -ComputerName localhost

Import-Module will automatically find our .psm1 file inside that folder. From here on out, that whole folder and all of it’s contents will be our module.


There is an environment variable called $ENV:PSModulePath. If we look at it, we will see all the locations where we can import a module (by module name instead of by path).

PS:> $env:PSModulePath -split ';'

C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

This is normally a single string but I split it up so we could read it. Sometimes you will install something that will add a path to that list. If we place our folder inside one of those two locations, we can import our module by name.

So we need to move our module to C:\Users\$env:username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

Move-Item .\GetInfo "C:\Users\$env:username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\"

Then our module should show up when we list available modules.

Get-Module -ListAvailable

And we can import it by name in our script.

Import-Module GetInfo
GetInfo -ComputerName localhost

Module manifest

We really shouldn’t call our module done until we add a module manifest. This adds metadata about your module. It includes author information and versioning. It also will enable PowerShell to auto-load our module if we create it correctly.

The module manifest is just a hashtable saved as a *.psd1 file. The name of the file should match the name of the folder. By creating this file, it will get loaded when you call Import-Module.


The good news is that we have a New-ModuleManifest cmdlet that will create the manifest for us.

$manifest = @{
    Path              = '.\GetInfo\GetInfo.psd1'
    RootModule        = 'GetInfo.psm1' 
    Author            = 'Kevin Marquette'
New-ModuleManifest @manifest

Because our manifest is loaded instead of the *.psm1, we need to use the RootModule parameter to indicate what PowerShell module file should be ran. This is the structure that we have now.


Here is a clip of the manifest that we just generated.

# Module manifest for module 'GetInfo'
# Generated by: Kevin Marquette
# Generated on: 5/21/2017


# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
RootModule = 'GetInfo.psm1'

# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '1.0'

# ID used to uniquely identify this module
GUID = 'dadea276-ae04-4c01-b901-06838167ec7c'

# Author of this module
Author = 'Kevin Marquette'

# Company or vendor of this module
CompanyName = 'Unknown'

# Copyright statement for this module
Copyright = '(c) 2017 Kevin Marquette. All rights reserved.'

# Description of the functionality provided by this module
# Description = ''

# Functions to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no functions to export.
FunctionsToExport = '*'



The New-ModuleManifest created all those keys and comments for us.


One of the properties in the module manifest is the FunctionsToExport property with a default value of *. By default, it will export all functions. We want to update that value to have all our public functions in it.

FunctionsToExport = "GetInfo"

Use an array if you need to list multiple functions.

Using this property in the manifest is just like using Export-ModuleMember. I do need to mention that you don’t need to use both Export-ModuleMember and FunctionsToExport. You only need to use one of those to export your functions. If you have a manifest, then you should be using FunctionsToExport.

In Powershell 6.0, the FunctionsToExport default is changing to an empty array @(). This is more in-line with best practices. You should either specify the functions to export or set the value to an empty array.

Module autoloading

One nice feature of having a module manifest with FunctionsToExport defined, is that Powershell can auto import your module if you call one of the exported functions. Your module still has to be in the $ENV:PSModulePath variable for this to work.

This is why it is important to populate the FunctionsToExport. The default value for this is * to designate that it is exporting all functions defined in the module. This does work, but the auto import functionality depends on this value. This is often overlooked by a lot of module builders.


Module auto-loading was introduced in PowerShell 3.0. We were also given $PSModuleAutoloadingPreference to control that behavior. If you want to disable module auto-loading for all modules, then set this value to none.

$PSModuleAutoloadingPreference = 'none'

Unless your doing module development, you would generally leave this variable alone.

#Requires -Modules

When you have a script that requires a module, you can add a requires statement to the top of your script. This will require that the specified module is loaded before your script runs. If the module is installed and if auto-loading is allowed, the requires statement will go ahead and import the module.

#Requires -Modules GetInfo
GetInfo -ComputerName localhost

This is what our script should end up like if we have a properly crafted module in the correct location.

Putting it all together

Now we know how to build a module layer by layer, I would generally build a module this way.

  • Create a folder named MyModule
  • Create a file called MyModule.psm1 in that folder to hold your functions
  • Use New-ModuleManifest to create a MyModule.psd1 in that folder for the metadata
  • Update the ModuleRoot and FunctionsToExport properties in the MyModule.psd1

Start with a library or utility module for your common functions. As your collection of functions grows, then you can break them out into their own modules later.

What’s next?

We all start with simple modules like this and I wanted to lay the groundwork for my next post. I will cover a specific design pattern for modules that you see in a lot of community projects in that post. I quickly cover this in my post on building a CI/CD pipeline.

If you are looking for a way to distribute your module to others on your team, consider creating an internal script repository. It is easier than you would expect.